The Drawing Club

The Drawing Club: Live Model-Drawing Practice under Professional Supervision


Experience the art of live model drawing with The Drawing Club, a dedicated platform for individuals seeking guided artistic development. Our exclusive sessions are conducted under the expert supervision of our skilled artist, providing invaluable insights and support for participants at all levels.


Session Details:

  • Sessions starts from September, 2024.
  • Sessions are limited to a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 15 members.
  • Weekly gatherings every Tuesday for two hours, from 6 PM to 8 PM.
  • Participation is secured through advance payment of the monthly fee.


    Membership Benefits:

    • Exclusive access to live model-drawing practice.
    • Transferable spots in the event of a member’s inability to attend.
    • Automatic membership for those who subscribe to drawing club activities in advance.


    • $30 per session per participant.
    • $105 monthly fee for four sessions.


    Join The Drawing Club and immerse yourself in a supportive community dedicated to honing your artistic skills. Elevate your drawing proficiency with professional guidance and the dynamic experience of live model sessions. Secure your spot today and unlock the artistic potential within you.



    To access further details regarding this Drawing Club, kindly  complete the provided form. Rest assured, your participation in this step does not entail any commitment on your part.