
Drawings in direct

Drawing Practice Courses – Les sessions de la pratique du dessin réaliste
  Master Drawing Sessions - This course is for those willing to get better in their drawing skills. In the program will be many “in situ” sessions (museum, city, park) and studio, where everyone will be instructed about how to start and how to proceed and succeed...
Anamorphic Art
Anamorphic art is an art of illusion. Artist needs to know how to modify the perspective in order to obtain the best results. More realistic one’s art is, better illusions one can create. To exercise anamorphic art it is not obligatory to draw, paint, or sculpt...
Drawing Club – Club de dessin

Drawing Club – Club de dessin

The Drawing Club activities taking place every week - and will be announced here. Please consult this page or call the studio before coming. Little glass of vine is always in the menu. Les activités de Club de dessin ont lieu chaque semaine. Consultez...

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Sketchbook 2015

Sketchbook 2015

The 2015 Sketchbook contains mostly selected sketches from the model sessions conducted in my studio during the Drawing Club activities. These meetings permit me and other participants to practice realistic drawing skills in a relatively systematic way. The Drawing...

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Sketchbook 2014

Sketchbook 2014

  The 2014 Sketchbook contains selected sketches from the model sessions I am attending as often as I can. These sessions permit me to practice realistic drawing in a relatively systematic way. The practice of drawing is for...

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2013 Sketchbook

2013 Sketchbook

I think that the best way to exercise one’s drawing skills is always the quick live sketch of anything available around. More sketches one does, better skills one has. I enjoy a lot to draw people in a move. It is not an easy task, but it develops a sense of...

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