
Drawings in direct

Drawing Practice Courses – Les sessions de la pratique du dessin réaliste
  Master Drawing Sessions - This course is for those willing to get better in their drawing skills. In the program will be many “in situ” sessions (museum, city, park) and studio, where everyone will be instructed about how to start and how to proceed and succeed...
Anamorphic Art
Anamorphic art is an art of illusion. Artist needs to know how to modify the perspective in order to obtain the best results. More realistic one’s art is, better illusions one can create. To exercise anamorphic art it is not obligatory to draw, paint, or sculpt...
Life Drawings 2012

Life Drawings 2012

This collection contains drawings from the series of quickly made sketches of a various subjects. I always have with me a sketchbook, and when possible I sketch what I see around. I use to draw the sanguine and watercolors. On...

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European Vacation 2010

European Vacation 2010

The Gallery "Europe 2010" contain the collection of sketches executed during my recent voyage in Italy, France and Poland. The drawings reflect my personal perception of places I had the pleasure to see and enjoy in a way an...

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Life Studies

Life Studies

These are drawings done during my travels. For life sketches I love to use the sanguine charcoal and watercolors. It gives a delicate touch to the drawing and a chromatic harmony to the whole composition. The practice of life...

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