This collection contains drawings from the series of quickly made sketches of a various subjects. I always have with me a sketchbook, and when possible I sketch what I see around. I use to draw the sanguine and watercolors. On...
Fantasy World
When You Can See It, You Can Draw It – A Comprehensive Guide on How to Draw.
Reflections on Deleuze’s concept of rhizome
Apr 29, 2012 | Art Essays, Caricatures, Paintings, Satyrical artwork
The Deleuzeian rhizome theory states that the knowledge about the world is acquired freely and independently through a process of multiple non-hierarchical structures of representation and interpretation, without any...
Camera Bianca: Relational Me
Dec 15, 2011 | Art Essays, Paintings
The concept: Camera Bianca: Relational Me was born as a composite of various inspirations of which the leading force was the Marcel Duchamp’s final farewell artwork titled Étant donnés (1946-1966). Duchamp was working on this...
Europe 2011 – Illustrated Voyages
Oct 21, 2011 | Drawings, Drawings in direct
The series of drawings Illustrated Voyages are composed from the sketches made during my 2011 voyage to Europe. The artwork reflects my interest in direct encounter with various places and situations during my...
Apr 12, 2011 | Paintings
Apocalipsis, is an experimental concept to exhibit various artworks, which are composed thematically together, in a form of visual disorder through which I intend to communicate to the viewer various facts concerning our contemporary realities through the pedagogy of metamorphic imagery.
Dec 12, 2010 | Paintings
To paint is perhaps … to select the whispering colors, to gather the silhouettes of thoughts and secret idioms from which I extract something I call myself.