To paint is perhaps … to select the whispering colors, to gather the silhouettes of thoughts and secret idioms from which I extract something I call myself.
Fantasy World
When You Can See It, You Can Draw It – A Comprehensive Guide on How to Draw.
Andre Pijet Art Gallery is open
Apr 7, 2010 | Drawings, Paintings
I would like to invite everyone to visit my new opened Art Gallery.
You are welcome to have a walk through some of my chosen artwork.
La Serenissima
Jan 24, 2010 | La Serenissima series, Paintings
In the series of paintings La Serenissima, inspired by my first visit in Venice, I want to visualize the traces of the historic time imprisoned in the surface of the city facades.
La Serenissima collection
Jan 24, 2010 | La Serenissima series, Paintings
Collection of paintings inspired by visit in Venice.
Jan 21, 2010 | Paintings, Portraits
Portraiture, is to me the most fascinating form of artistic expression. During my travels I always carry with me a cornet where I constantly sketch different faces trying to register the passing time through these facial imagery.
Formula 1
Jan 20, 2010 | Formula 1, Paintings
Formula 1, a racing competition between the industrial giants of great marks of sport cars, which bits all records of popularity among all classes of our contemporary society.